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MC Series Headphones build on our studio monitoring legacy offering excellent clarity, accuracy, and bass response for an immersive listening experience. The closed-back MC-100, MC-150, MC-250, and MC-350 offer punchy, clear sound perfect for studios, DJs, and personal listening. The open-back...
Šifra: 15504
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20,00 EUR 29,00 EUR
Protect your EleMent Series Microphone with the PF-100 Pop Screen from Mackie. This pop filter is sized specifically for EleMent Series microphones, which is good, because it attaches directly to the capsule by means of included elastic bands. Once affixed to the mic...
Šifra: 15457
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6-CHANNEL ANALOG MIXER WITH ENHANCED FX, USB RECORDING MODES AND BLUETOOTH® Mackie ProFX6v3+ is a professional 6-channel analog mixer and USB-C audio interface featuring Onyx preamps and EQ, switchable USB recording modes, Bluetooth® for capturing phone...
Šifra: 18394
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Kombinujući prenosivost sa HQ zvučnom reprodukcijom, MC-40BT bežične over-ear slušalice od MACKIE-a koriste drivere od 40 mm da bi isporučile Mackie prepoznatljivi profesionalni zvučni potpis. U čistom i točnom zvuku možete uživati čitav dan, z...
Šifra: 16023
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10-CHANNEL ANALOG MIXER WITH ENHANCED FX, USB RECORDING MODES AND BLUETOOTH® ProFX10v3+ is a compact analog mixer and USB-C audio interface with features from a studio recording console. Equipped with essentials including one-knob compression, EQ, Hi-Z swit...
Šifra: 18393
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The Mackie MC-250 are closed-back, over-ear reference headphones offering passive noise isolation and extended low-frequency reproduction for recording and mixing engineers as well as musicians. Large 50mm drivers in a precision-tuned enclosure deliver a wide frequen...
Šifra: 15475
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Looking for a portable and versatile active speaker for live sound applications? Then look no further than the Mackie Thump215 15" Powered PA Loudspeaker System, a powerful PA speaker that includes a 2-channel mixer, great for small club/band PA systems, singer/songwriter...
Šifra: 16858
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Tražite prijenosni, višekorisnički aktivni zvučnik, za "live" primjene? Obustavite potragu - tu je 12"-ni aktivni PA sistem Mackie Thump212. Moćan PA zvučnik uključuje i dvokanalni mikser, sjajan za manje klupske nastupe, pjevače/kantautore, konferen...
Šifra: 16856
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Glazbeni producenti, audio inženjeri i DJ-evi koji traže studijske monitore visoke kvalitete bit će impresionirani zelenim, Mackie CR3-X, parom Creative Reference Series 3" multimedijskih monitora koji nude kompaktno rješenje za kvalitetnu reprodukciju zvuka u kućnim studijima i tij...
Šifra: 15494
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EM-91C Large Diaphragm Condenser Microphone The EM Series EM-91C Large-Diaphragm Condenser microphone continues our legacy of immaculate sound, reliability, and affordability. 
Šifra: 16032
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Mackie CR5-X je par multimedijskih monitora Creative Reference Series 5" koji nudi kompaktno rješenje za kvalitetnu reprodukciju zvuka u kućnim studijima ili  pri gamingu. S 80 W pojačanjem koje pokreće 5" woofere i 0,75" visokotonce, CR5-X monitori pružaju vi&...
Šifra: 15498
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Mackie Onyx Producer 2x2 je USB audio/MIDI sučelje dizajnirano za snimanje u visokoj rezolucijiu kućnim i profwsionalnim studijima. Sa svojim dvostrukim Onyx mikrofonskim predpojačalima, kombiniranim XLR-1/4" ulazima i 5-pinskim MIDI I/O, jedinica je posebno pogodna za pjevače, tekst...
Šifra: 15465
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MR524 5" - STUDIJSKI MONITORI Umjetnici, kreatori sadržaja, inženjeri poput vas, inovativniji su nego ikad i znamo koliko se oslanjate na svoju opremu da izrazite svoju kreativnost. Monitori serije MR približavaju vas vašoj glazbi i vašem miksu vi&scar...
Šifra: 16037
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Mackie MR624 Studio Monitor je dvosistemski referentni zvučnik od 6,5 inča koji je dizajniran za miksanje i monitoring u vašem domu ili studiju. Sadrži sustav logaritamskog voda koji ima za cilj minimizirati refleksije i difrakcije za širi položaj slušanja, plus prilag...
Šifra: 16028
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The Mackie HM-400 is a rack-mountable, 4-channel headphone amplifier designed to provide versatile headphone amplification for artists, musicians, and engineers monitoring through headphones in live stage applications and home, project, commercial, and mobile-recordi...
Šifra: 15469
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The Mackie Mix5 is a 5-channel compact mixer that features high-quality components, a rugged metal chassis, and is designed for a variety of sound reinforcement applications. The mixer features one mic/line input, two stereo 1/4" line inputs, and is capable of accomm...
Šifra: 15439
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Let Your Voice Shine The Mackie EM-USB USB condenser microphone sets the standard in pro-quality, affordable recording directly to your computer without using an audio interface. Whether you’re looking for a great-sounding and convenient mic for your home studio, live streaming...
Šifra: 15493
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Looking for a portable and versatile active speaker for live sound applications? Then, look no further than the Mackie Thrash215, a 2-way powered PA speaker that includes a 2-channel mixer, great for small club/band PA systems, singer/songwriters, boardrooms, A/V presenta...
Šifra: 16020
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Mackie CR4-X je par multimedijskih monitora Creative Reference Series od 4" koji nude kompaktno rješenje za kvalitetnu reprodukciju zvuka u kućnim studijima i gamingu. S 50 Watnim pojačalom koje pokreće 4" woofere i 0,75" visokotonce, CR4-X monitori rade sve, bi...
Šifra: 15496
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Looking for a portable and versatile active speaker for live sound applications? Then, look no further than the Mackie Thrash212, a 2-way powered PA speaker that includes a 2-channel mixer, great for small club/band PA systems, singer/songwriters, boardrooms, A/V presenta...
Šifra: 16019
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Ukupno: 90