The SVS SoundPath Subwoofer Isolation System works with nearly every subwoofer brand and model to improve bass performance while reducing floor and wall vibrations, noise artifacts and complaints from neighbors or roommates. De-coupling a subwoofer from the floor results in inherently tighter...
Šifra: 12822

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SVS engineered the best wireless subwoofer adapter available and then made it better by designing it to pass a pristine and accurate full-range audio signal at CD-quality for the benefit of speaker owners. The SoundPath Wireless Audio Adapter reduces subwoofer cable clutter without sacrificing...
Šifra: 13347
Isporučivo po narudžbi
69,00 EUR
Premium Interconnect Cables for Subwoofers and AV Components
SVS SoundPath Interconnect Cables let your system reach its full performance potential by ensuring pristine signal purity and rejecting all interference. Also known as RCA cables, SVS SoundPath Interconnect...
Šifra: 18539
Isporučivo po narudžbi
79,00 EUR
Premium Interconnect Cables for Subwoofers and AV Components
SVS SoundPath Interconnect Cables let your system reach its full performance potential by ensuring pristine signal purity and rejecting all interference. Also known as RCA cables, SVS SoundPath Interconnect...
Šifra: 18540
Isporučivo po narudžbi